- 教授,博士生导师
- 国家杰出青年科学基金
- 享受国务院政府特殊津贴
- 入选中国科学院“百人计划”
- guangshe@www.hogge1.com
- 吉林大学,理学博士 (1997)
- 西安交通大学,博士后(1997-1999)
- 日本东北大学,非常勤讲师(2000-2001)
- 美国杨佰翰大学,博士后(2001-2004)
- 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所,研究员(2004-2015)
- 吉林大学(2015-),教授
- 功能化合物的合成与性能
- 锂离子电池等新能源材料
- 高效物质转化用纳米催化材料
- 新型纳米环境材料
Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 6582.Wanbiao Hu, Liping Li, Guangshe Li,* Yun L...
Atomic-scale control of TiO6 octahedra through solution chemistry towards giant dielectric res ...Applied Physics Letters 2004, 85, 2059.Guangshe Li, Boerio-Goates J, Woodfie...
Evidence of linear lattice expansion and covalency enhancement in rutile TiO2 nanocrystalsChemical Communications 2013, 49, 11752.Guo Meichen; Li Liping; Lin Haifeng;...
Targeted deposition of ZnO2 on brookite TiO2 nanorods towards high photocatalytic activityChemical Communications 2013, 49, 7046.Zhao Minglei; Li Liping; Lin Haifeng;...
A facile strategy to fabricate large-scale uniform brookite TiO2 nanospindles with high therma ...Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 8328.Lin Haifeng; Li Li...
Synthesis of high-quality brookite TiO2 single-crystalline nanosheets with specific facets exp ...Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 3113.Hu WB; Li LP; Tong WM; Li Guangshe;*
Supersaturated spontaneous nucleation to TiO2 microspheres: synthesis and giant dielectric per ...