
英国诺丁汉大学Yuying Yan 教授学术报告


报告名称:Recent advances in thermofluids at UoN - how biomimetics helps to drive  research progress



报告内容简介This lecture will introduce the speaker’s personal view of recent advances and the challenges of thermofluids research,both the fundamental aspects and the variety of industrial applications.  The talk will highlight how nature inspired technology, namely biomimetics helps to drive progress. 


Yuying Yan is Chair Professor of Thermofluids Engineering and Head of Fluids & Thermal Engineering Research at the University of Nottingham (UK); Li Dak Sum Chair Professor  in Thermofluids Engineering and Director of Thermofluids Research Centre at University of Nottingham China. He has more than 30 years experience in multiphase flow, heat transfer, applied thermodynamics, and cross-disciplinary subject of biomimetics in terms of nature-inspired technology for flow and heat transfer. He was the Chairman of the first International Symposium of Biomimetic Functional Surfaces and Fluids (BFSF) in 2009 and as the UK coordinator, created the UK-China international joint laboratory of BFSF in 2009. He is also the director of Industrial Joint Laboratory of Thermal Management & Heat Transfer for Low Carbon Vehicles at University of Nottingham. His research has been sponsored by EPSRC, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, Innovative UK, APC and European Commission, and many industrial companies including Siemens, etc.  His recent 5 years research portfolio is over £7 million.  He is Fellow and Deputy General Secretary of International Society of Bionic Engineering; UK Heat Transfer Committee member (2018 - ), UK EPSRC Peer Review College and served in grant panels (2005 - ), and member of European Research Council (ERC)’s Advanced Research Grant Panel (2014-2017). He is Editorial Board member of “Scientific Reports” (Nature Publishing Group), founding member of “Journal of Bionic Engineering” editorial board; founding member of International Journal of “Thermal Sciences & Engineering Progress”, and “Automotive Innovation”.  Prof. Yan has supervised more than 40 PhD students (with 30 completed), published over 320 articles including more than 190 papers in refereed journals, 4 books/chapters, given more than 16 plenary/keynotes at international conferences with 6 awards/prizes, and obtained 10 innovation patents.  He as Conference Chairman or co-chair has organised a few successful international Conferences, such as ICBE2010, ISHT2014, ICBE2016, ISHT&HPC2016, 3rdISFTE2017, and 16UKHTC2019.

He is also chair professor of Yangtze River (Ministry of education) and Tang AoQing Chair Professor of Jilin University.
